Important Game Rules in Tien Len Zingplay at 55 Clubs That You Should Not Miss

Tien Len Zingplay is a popular Vietnamese card game that has gained a lot of attention and players around the world. It is also known as Thirteen or Killer 13, and it is played with a standard deck of 52 cards. The game requires strategy, skill, and a bit of luck, making it both challenging and exciting to play. With its increasing popularity, many clubs have been established to cater to players who want to test their skills against others. However, before you join a club and start playing, there are important game rules that you should know and follow. In this article, we will discuss the crucial rules in Tien Len Zingplay at 55 club that you should not miss.

1. Understanding the Basics of Tien Len Zingplay

Tien Len Zingplay is a four-player game, and the objective is to get rid of all your cards first. The player who gets rid of all their cards becomes the winner. The game starts with each player receiving 13 cards, and the player with the 3 of spades starts the round. The following player must then play a higher combination of cards, and the other players must follow suit. If a player does not have a higher combination, they can pass or play a lower one. The round continues until all players pass, and the player who played the highest combination takes all the cards played in that round. The game ends when one player runs out of cards, and the remaining players’ scores are calculated based on the cards they have left.

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  • Basic Card Combinations
  • Special Combinations
  • Passing and Playing
  • Scoring System
  • Endgame

Basic Card Combinations

In Tien Len Zingplay, there are different card combinations that players can play to beat the previous one. The basic combinations are single cards, pairs, triples, and four-of-a-kind. A single card means playing one card of any rank, while a pair is two cards with the same rank. Triples consist of three cards with the same rank, and four-of-a-kind is four cards with the same rank. These combinations must be played in ascending order (from 3 to 2) and follow the suit of the first card played.

Special Combinations

Aside from the basic combinations, there are also special combinations that can be played in Tien Len Zingplay. These combinations are higher than the basic ones and can help you get rid of your cards faster. Some examples of special combinations are straight, flush, full house, and dragon. A straight is five or more consecutive cards of any suit, while a flush is five or more cards of the same suit. A full house consists of a triple and a pair, while a dragon is five or more consecutive pairs.

Passing and Playing

In Tien Len Zingplay, players have the option to pass or play a combination when it is their turn. If a player does not have a higher combination, they can choose to pass and let the next player take their turn. However, if they do have a higher combination, they must play it. Passing can be strategic, especially if you have a powerful combination that you want to save for later rounds.

Scoring System

The scoring system in Tien Len Zingplay is based on the cards left in each player’s hand at the end of the game. The 3 of spades is worth -10 points, the 10 of diamonds is worth -2 points, and all other cards are worth their face value. The player who gets rid of all their cards first receives a score of 0, and the remaining players’ scores are added up. The game ends when a player reaches a predetermined score, usually 200 points.

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The endgame in Tien Len Zingplay is crucial, as it determines the winner and the scores of the remaining players. If a player runs out of cards first, they receive a score of 0, and the remaining players’ scores are calculated based on the cards they have left. However, if all players pass until one player is left with cards, that player receives a score of 0, and the other three players’ scores are calculated based on the cards they have left. Therefore, it is essential to strategize and try to get rid of your cards before the game ends.

2. Rules in Joining a Club

Joining a club is an excellent way to play Tien Len Zingplay against skilled and experienced players. It also provides opportunities for you to improve your skills and learn new strategies. However, each club may have different rules and regulations that you must follow. Here are some general rules that you should know before joining a club.


  • Club Membership
  • Club Etiquette
  • Club Organizers
  • Club Tournaments
  • Club Prizes

Club Membership

Most clubs require players to become members before playing any games. Membership fees may vary depending on the club, and some may offer discounts for long-term memberships. Joining a club also means agreeing to abide by its rules and regulations, so make sure to read them thoroughly before joining.

Club Etiquette

As with any game, there are etiquettes that players must follow when playing Tien Len Zingplay in a club. For example, it is considered polite to greet your opponents and wish them luck before the game starts. Players should also refrain from talking or distracting other players while they are playing. Moreover, cheating or any form of unsportsmanlike conduct is strictly prohibited and can lead to disqualification from the club.

Club Organizers

Club organizers are responsible for managing the games, ensuring that rules are followed, and resolving any disputes. It is essential to respect their decisions and not argue with them during a game. If you have any concerns or complaints, approach the club organizers after the game or send them a message privately.

Club Tournaments

Many clubs organize tournaments for its members, which can be a great opportunity to test your skills against other players and win prizes. These tournaments may have different formats, such as single-elimination or round-robin, so make sure to understand the rules before participating.

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Club Prizes

Some clubs offer prizes to the winners of tournaments or to top-performing players in regular games. These prizes may range from cash to gift cards or even trophies. However, it is essential to remember that the main goal of joining a club is to improve your skills and challenge yourself, not just to win prizes.

3. Strategies for Winning in Tien Len Zingplay

Tien Len Zingplay may seem like a game of luck, but skilled players know that there are strategies that can increase their chances of winning. Here are some tips that you can use to improve your gameplay and outsmart your opponents.


  • Observe Your Opponents’ Playing Styles
  • Keep Track of Cards Played and Remaining
  • Save Special Combinations for Later Rounds
  • Take Advantage of Passing
  • Use Your Wild Cards Wisely

Observe Your Opponents’ Playing Styles

One of the best ways to improve your gameplay is by observing how your opponents play. Each player has their own unique style, and understanding this can give you an advantage. For example, if you notice that a certain player always passes when they do not have a higher combination, you can use this knowledge to force them to pass by playing a lower combination.

Keep Track of Cards Played and Remaining

In Tien Len Zingplay, keeping track of the cards played and remaining is crucial. This will help you determine what cards your opponents may have, making it easier for you to plan your moves. For example, if you see that all the high-ranking cards have been played, you can assume that your opponents do not have many powerful combinations left.

Save Special Combinations for Later Rounds

Special combinations in Tien Len Zingplay can be game-changers, especially in later rounds when players are running out of cards. Therefore, it is best to save these combinations for later and try to get rid of your basic combinations first. This will also give you an advantage over other players who may have already used their special combinations early on.

Take Advantage of Passing

Passing can be strategic, especially if you have a weak hand or want to save your powerful combinations for later. However, keep in mind that passing too often can make you predictable and give other players an advantage. Use it sparingly and at the right time to throw off your opponents’ expectations.

Use Your Wild Cards Wisely

Wild cards, such as the 2 of hearts and the 10 of diamonds, can be used to represent any card in a combination. These cards can be powerful, but they must be used wisely. Remember that wild cards are limited, and once they are used, they cannot be taken back. Use them sparingly and strategically to increase your chances of winning.

4. Common Mistakes to Avoid in Tien Len Zingplay

Even skilled players make mistakes in Tien Len Zingplay, which can cost them the game. However, knowing these common mistakes can help you avoid them and improve your gameplay.


  • Playing Too Many High-Ranking Cards Early On
  • Using Special Combinations Too Soon
  • Not Paying Attention to Opponents’ Cards
  • Underestimating the Power of Passing
  • Playing Without a Strategy

Playing Too Many High-Ranking Cards Early On

One of the most common mistakes in Tien Len Zingplay is playing too many high-ranking cards early on. It may seem tempting to get rid of your powerful combinations right away, but this can leave you with weak cards in later rounds. Instead, try to use your basic combinations first and save your special ones for later.

Using Special Combinations Too Soon

As mentioned earlier, special combinations should be saved for later rounds when players are running out of cards. Using them too soon can make you vulnerable and give your opponents an advantage. Be patient and wait for the right opportunity to use these combinations.

Not Paying Attention to Opponents’ Cards

Paying attention to the cards played by your opponents is crucial in Tien Len Zingplay. This will help you determine what cards they may have left and plan your moves accordingly. Not paying attention to your opponents’ cards can also lead to missed opportunities to play higher combinations.

Underestimating the Power of Passing

Passing is a strategic move that can help you win the game, yet many players underestimate its power. As mentioned earlier, passing can throw off your opponents’ expectations and give you an advantage. Do not be afraid to pass if you do not have a higher combination, especially if it can help you conserve your powerful cards for later.

Playing Without a Strategy

Some players make the mistake of playing without a strategy in Tien Len Zingplay. While luck does play a role in the game, having a strategy can increase your chances of winning. Consider the tips mentioned above, observe your opponents’ playing styles, and plan your moves accordingly.

5. Tips for Beginners in Tien Len Zingplay

If you are new to Tien Len Zingplay, it may seem overwhelming at first. However, with practice and understanding of the game’s rules and strategies, you can improve your skills and become a better player. Here are some tips that beginners can use to get started.


  • Familiarize Yourself with the Rules
  • Practice with Friends or Online
  • Watch Experienced Players
  • Learn Basic Strategies
  • Be Patient and Keep Practicing

Familiarize Yourself with the Rules

The first step to becoming a good player is to familiarize yourself with the rules of Tien Len Zingplay. Make sure to understand the basic card combinations, special combinations, passing and playing, scoring system, and endgame.

Practice with Friends or Online

The best way to improve your skills is by practicing. Gather some friends who are willing to learn and play Tien Len Zingplay with you. You can also practice online using various apps or websites that offer the game. This will help you get a feel of the game and build your confidence.

Watch Experienced Players

Watching experienced players can also help you learn and understand the game better. Observe their moves, strategies, and how they interact with other players. You can also ask them for tips or advice on how to improve your gameplay.

Learn Basic Strategies

As mentioned earlier, having a strategy is crucial in Tien Len Zingplay. Learn the basic strategies, such as observing your opponents’ playing styles, keeping track of cards played and remaining, and using wild cards wisely. As you gain more experience, you can develop your own unique strategies.

Be Patient and Keep Practicing

Becoming a skilled player takes time and patience. Do not be discouraged if you do not win in your first few games. Keep practicing, and eventually, you will improve and become a better player.

6. Etiquette for Playing Tien Len Zingplay

Playing Tien Len Zingplay in a club or with friends is not just about winning. It is also about having fun and respecting other players. Here are some etiquettes that you should follow when playing the game.


  • Greet Your Opponents
  • Avoid Talking While Playing
  • Do Not Distract Other Players
  • Be a Good Sport
  • Respect the Club’s Rules

Greet Your Opponents

Before the game starts, it is customary to greet your opponents and wish them luck. This shows respect and creates a friendly atmosphere. You can also congratulate them after the game, regardless if you win or lose.

Avoid Talking While Playing

Talking while playing can be distracting, especially if it is not related to the game. Keep your conversations for before or after the game to avoid disrupting other players’ concentration.

Do Not Distract Other Players

Aside from talking, there are other ways that you can distract other players, such as fidgeting, making unnecessary movements, or using your phone. These actions can disrupt other players’ focus, so make sure to avoid them.

Be a Good Sport

Winning and losing are part of the game, and it is important to be a good sport no matter the outcome. Congratulate the winner and thank your opponents for the game. If you lose, do not get upset or make excuses. Instead, use it as an opportunity to learn and improve for the next game.

Respect the Club’s Rules

Each club may have different rules and regulations, and it is important to respect and follow them. These rules are put in place to ensure fair gameplay and a comfortable environment for all players.


Q: Can I join more than one club?

A: Yes, you can join multiple clubs. However, make sure to manage your time and not miss out on games or tournaments in each club.

Q: Do I need to pay a membership fee for each club?

A: Yes, most clubs require players to pay a membership fee. Make sure to inquire about the fees before joining.

Q: Can I use wild cards in every combination?

A: No, wild cards cannot be used in all combinations. They can only be used to represent any card in a combination, except for a single card or pairs of 2.

Q: How often should I pass?

A: Passing should be used sparingly and at the right time. Avoid passing too often as it can make you predictable and give other players an advantage.

Q: Is Tien Len Zingplay a game of luck?

A: While some luck is involved, Tien Len Zingplay is a game of strategy and skill. With practice and understanding of the game, you can increase your chances of winning.


Tien Len Zingplay is a challenging yet exciting card game that has become popular among players worldwide. Joining a club and playing against skilled opponents can be a great way to improve your skills and have fun. However, it is crucial to understand and follow the important game rules to ensure fair gameplay. Familiarize yourself with the basics, learn strategies, and follow proper etiquette when playing. With these tips in mind, you can enjoy this game of skill and strategy to its fullest potential.